Magical Ministry
Home | About the Ministress of Magic | Ministry Constitution | Level One: Offices of the Ministress of Magic and her Administrative Staff | Level Two: Department of Magical Law Enforcement | Level Three: Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes | Level Four: Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures | Level Five: Department of International Magical Cooperation | Level Six: Department of Magical Transportation | Level Seven: Department of Magical Games and Sports | Level Eight: The Atrium | Level Nine: Department of Mysteries | Level Ten: Court Rooms | Level Eleven: Mis-Use of Muggle Artifacts | Level Twelve: Department of Education | Level Thirteen: Department of Plant Regulation | The Ministry News | Current Plots | APPROVED LICENSES:
Ministry Constitution

A meeting of the Ministry of Magic took place last evening and it was decided that a massive restructure of the Ministry itself was needed. In the hopes to keep the Ministry not only active but also as fair as possible, those involved were asked to vote on a new constitution and restructure plan for the Ministry. That vote was taken and the restructure was approved.

Currently the Ministry appoints an active Minister/tress and Department Heads and the Minister/tress or Department head is in office until that person falls inactive or gives up the seat of power. However thanks to the new restructure of the Ministry the power structure has been changed to fairly give everyone a chance to have a turn at being the Minister/tress of magic per site wide vote.

The Constitution Reads as Follows:

2010 Ministry of Magic Constitution

Separation of Government

a. Minister of Magic: The Minister of Magic is the supreme leader of the Ministry of Magic. He is elected by any member of any of the affiliated sites, through a one vote per person (not character) election which will take place once a year. It should be noted that the Minister of Magic has supreme control over all other parts of the government. The Minister of Magic can only be removed by a unanimous vote from both the Wizengamot members and the department heads.

b. Wizengamot: The Wizengamot is the judicial side of the government. The wizengamot is a 9 member jury which are appointed by the minister of magic for a term so long as they remain active in trials. They can be removed by a majority vote from the other wizengamot members. The wizengamots rulings are final and binding for all participants in a trial. The minister is supreme in all aspects of government except this. They have the power to make amendments to the Ministry Constitution by the power of majority vote.

c. Department Heads: The Department Heads act as the legislative body of the government. They are the top leader of their department and they appoint their own deputy head. The Committee of Department Heads will appoint new department heads to any vacant positions in their ranks. Until a Department Head is appointed by a majority vote from the Department Heads, the Deputy Head of that Department will serve as an interim leader, but does not have the full status of the Department Head. The Deputy Department Head does not have to be promoted to Department Head.

Having followed this new constitution the active members of the ministry department heads appointed the heads to the departments and the most current acting body of the Ministry of Magic is as follows:

*Acting Ministress- Ann-Louise Omagan

*Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement- Liam Kartak

*Head of the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes- John Forrester

*Head of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures- ViKtor Kragen

*Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation- Eli Archer

*Head of the Department of Magical Transportation- Asher Logan

*Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports- Stuart Arbuckle

*Head of the Department of Mysteries- Zoey Matthews

*Head of the Mis-Use of Muggle Artifacts- Landon McMichaels

*Head of the Department of Education- Victoria OTreasaigh

*Head of the Department of Plant Regulation- Megan Sparks