Magical Ministry
Home | About the Ministress of Magic | Ministry Constitution | Level One: Offices of the Ministress of Magic and her Administrative Staff | Level Two: Department of Magical Law Enforcement | Level Three: Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes | Level Four: Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures | Level Five: Department of International Magical Cooperation | Level Six: Department of Magical Transportation | Level Seven: Department of Magical Games and Sports | Level Eight: The Atrium | Level Nine: Department of Mysteries | Level Ten: Court Rooms | Level Eleven: Mis-Use of Muggle Artifacts | Level Twelve: Department of Education | Level Thirteen: Department of Plant Regulation | The Ministry News | Current Plots | APPROVED LICENSES:

Level Four: Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures


Department Head- Viktor Ethan Kragen
Department Head Secretary- Vesper Verona
Regulation and Creatures Control Office- Gemini Perrine
Animal Tester's Office- Sienna Mason
Office of Misinformation and Pest Advisory Board- Lydia Moncrief
Goblin Liason Office- Cheyenne Wolfhawke, Katie Shadowdragon


- Continued enforcement for the concealment, care and control of all magical beasts, beings, and spirits dwelling within the territorial borders of the British Ministry of Magic
- Standardizing the Official Creatures Registry for all known beings residing in the territorial borders of the British Ministry of Magic
- Information dissemination regarding the Department's core mission, activities and updates on any advisories regarding magical creatures' whereabouts that is relevant to the Wizarding public's attention
- Coordination with Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to enforce a Ministry-approved curriculum for an Animagus course
- Staffing for the Department's vacant posts