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DC of Divinations
Ann-Louise Omagan

I am 24 years of age and I am very talented when it comes to all forms of Divination, though I am not saying there is never room for improvement.

I have two siblings, one younger sister and brother and besides from my sister, my family is nothing but muggles. I have learned much, living in the muggle world, but I am so happy to be back at Hogwarts.

I spent my time after schol working for The Ministry of the States. I have tracked down and handed over 30 escaped criminals my Husband included. Once I handed my husband over I moved back here and applied as a teacher hoping to start anew.

Divination in any form is not an easy subject but I know that Hogwart students have a lot of talent to offer. I am looking forward to helping each and every one of my students grow in their learnings of this complicated art.

My E-Mail: professoromagan@yahoo.com

Phrenology is one of my favorite forms of Divination


In the muggle world, people tend to over look actual divination, but if done right, its normaly right on target... This is a real science so please be respectful...

Different forms of Divination

Examining Flames
Interpretation of Incidental Signs
Automatic writing

The above subjects may be taught during the course of things....

Honors Divination Text Book