
Prof. Rayasha Yakuza

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About Your Professor:

Rayasha Yakuza was not only an Alumni of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry she is also the only one of the two living heirs to the Slytherin blood line. Much like her twin, Revan, Rayasha bridges the world between true power and an ancient evil. Somehow, her life had become centered around Hogwarts so, after graduating she had a fall out with her brother, and went to work in Tokyo doing secret business for the Japanese Ministry. When answering a plea from her mother to return home to be with the family, Rayasha returned and not without her typical pouting. Her father gave her the grand idea of teaching potions at Hogwarts. After much debate with herself Rayasha decided that perhaps teaching would be a good way for her to spend her time “giving back” to the community. After speaking to the governors of hogwarts she took up a teach position not only in potions, but also in divination where she hopes to teach students that there is more to the world then just what they were taught to see by society.

Currently she travel back and forth between her classes at Hogwarts and her house in tinsworth where she has settled with her hogwarts sweet heart Raymond Lupus and their infant twins Rayne and Razan.